Photo Gallery

The following photographs are actual untouched patients and results from Dr. Spears. If you are under age 18 years, please close the gallery. The following photos were generously approved by the patients of Dr. Spears. They represent a small sample of the before and after photos that can be viewed during a consultation. Please call 856-345-2240 to schedule your consultation appointment.


Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

44-year-old female underwent an abdominoplasty(tummy tuck); The photos on the right are 5 months post-op
Height:5'6 Weight:193 lbs Number of children:3
Tumescent aspirate out: 2050mL
Weight removed: 3.3 lbs

Female Breast Reduction

24-year-old female with a bra size of 38G underwent a breast reduction; The photos on the right are 2 months post-op
Height:5'5 Weight:168 lbs Number of children:1
Breast tissue removed-right:700g left:740g

Brachioplasty (Arm Lift)

60-year-old female underwent liposuction and arm lift (brachioplasty); The photos on the right are10 months post-op
Height:5'5 Weight:148.8 lbs

Breast Augmentation (with Implants)

50-year-old female underwent a breast augmentation; The photos on the right are 2 years post-op
Height:5'6  Weight:160 lbs
Mentor cohesive gel implants, moderate profile- right:325cc left:350cc crease


Case 2:
23 year old female underwent a breast augmentation; The photos on the right are 5 months post-op
Height:5'9 Weight:143
Mentor saline moderate profile- right:250mL left:325mL

Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

38-year-old female underwent an inverted t/ anchor incision breast lift; The photos on the right are 1 month post-op
Height:5'1 Weight:112lbs Number of children:2
Tumescent out:1565mL

Earlobe Repair

50-year-old male who hade gages in both ears underwent in office earlobe repairs; The photos on the  right  are 2 months post-op

Chest Contouring (Excision and Liposuction of Gynecomastia)

22-year-old male underwent an gynecomastia; The photos on the right are 1 month post-op
Height:6'4 Weight:200
Aspirate out: right breast:150 mL left breast:250 mL


40-year-old female underwent liposuction of her abdomen and flanks; The photos on the right are 2 months post-op
Height:5'4 Pre-op weight:125 lbs Post-op weight:110 Number of children:0
Lipoaspirate out:900cc

Neck Lift

42-year-old female underwent a neck lift; The photos on the right are 1 year and 7 months post-op
Height:5'2 Weight:214


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